The Forest Sings Theta Meditation

The Forest Sings Theta Meditation

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Audio CD


The Forest Sings Theta Meditation

Binaural beats are not meant to be played loud like a rock song or played on stereo speakers. For the binaural beats to work the use of stereo headphones are required. This is due to the nature of how binaural beats work. One tone isolated in the right ear, and a different tone is isolated in the left ear.

  • Consult your physician before using any of these products. 
  • Don’t drive or operate heavy equipment while listening to this meditation.
  • Use headphones to listen to this meditation.

The Forest Sings begins with light drumming. While the drums play, this is your chance to unwind and clear any lingering chatter in your mind. You can continue your worry later. But for now, just give yourself permission to be still. Give yourself a break from your mind and its mental gymnastics. The goal is not to sit quietly thinking, but rather to be free from all thoughts and problem-solving activities, just be.

Just by listening to the unguided meditation, transformation will happen, all you have to do is download and listen.

The music has been specially designed to help entrain your brain into a Theta state of being. This state of Theta according to Scientific American and other publications, is a state of mental relaxation, Theta state is considered to be very positive mental state free of judgment. Theta is a great state for vivid visualizations, where imagination flourishes uncensored. Great insight and profound creativity all attributes of Theta state of consciousness. It is a perfect state for day dreaming.

Simply by listening to the music with the use of headphones, your brain will start to entrain to Theta state of being. As your mind moves into a Theta state you will find yourself becoming calm. Just breath in deep close your eyes and surrender giving thanks.

Theta “The forest sings”. comes in three different lengths as do all binaural beats on this website. A. 6 minutes B. 20 minutes C. 1 hour. So, you can choose what works best for you through out the day. When you hear the sounds of ocean waves it is a good time to say positive affirmations or just give thanks for your life. 

This will help to reprogram your subconscious mind and clear out any artificial limiting belief systems that do not serve you.

As you continue a daily practice of stilling your mind even just for 6 minutes a day, a sense of peace, stillness, well being, gratefulness and mental relaxation will happen. A world of wonder and joy will start to open up to you. This is your natural state of being. Give thanks to the holy day and the sacred night. Rejoice you have been written into the book of life.

Recommendations For Micro Meditations

Relieve chronic stress in 6 minutes a day. 

One of the best way I have found to use the Micro meditation is to place it on your home screen or on the desktop so you can have fast access to it. Use headphones, play it softly.

To start your day listen to the 6 min micro meditation. This gives your mind the space you need to create your day. Give thanks for the day. It is a sacred day never to be lived again. Ponder that for a moment. You are a witness to this day. Be still and breath. Remove desire and want and just be. Be aware in this moment of now, give thanks in reverence for this moment. May you be a blessing to those around you, and allow those around you to be a blessing to you.

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